
Sore losers and crybabies with guns
They lost an election
Then anointed themselves
As the ones
To set it all straight
Subvert the will of the masses
They come with their guns
And their heads in the clouds and
They come to agitate
They come to intimidate
To show everybody
Their belligerent hate
And their ignorance
Sore losers and crybabies with guns
Sore losers and crybabies with guns
By some peculiar delusion,
Have convinced themselves
That they’d be the ones
Entitled to judge
When the Constitution’s been violated
‘Cause the voters elected
The guy that they hated
So they gathered with their weapons,
At the edge of D.C.
Surprise, surprise
They’ve been wrong about everything
Sore losers and crybabies with guns
Sore losers and crybabies with guns
Allowed themselves to be brainwashed Into thinking
They are the ones
The sudden authorities
With no rhyme or reason
They gather at the park
At the edge of treason
How does it feel to be
A pawn in the game
Of the has-been-republicans
The former big names
And their corporations?
Sore losers and crybabies with guns
 Sore losers and crybabies with guns
 What kind of citizen would threaten me
With a gun?
 Sore losers and crybabies with guns
 Somebody’s gonna get hurt.
©2012 Yikes McGee