From the recording <b>The Liar</b>

Who might that be?


He lies and he lies and he lies
He looks you right in the eyes
And he lies
He lies all the time,
He lies through his teeth
If you pick up a rock, he’ll be lying underneath
He lies and he lies and he lies

To lie is a sin
It can be a crime,
But that doesn’t stop him
He just lies all the time
He lies and he lies and he lies
He lies and he lies and he lies
You look at the facts
It ain’t nuthin like that
He just lies and he lies and he lies

He lies and he lies and he lies
He looks you straight in your eyes
And he lies
He lies about everything
He lies everyday
If it weren’t for the lies
He’d have nothing to say
He just lies and he lies and he lies

To lie takes a liar
As to steal takes a thief
But to lie to the whole world
Takes a Liar-in-Chief
He lies and he lies and he lies
He lies and he lies and he lies
He must despise
all the what-fors and whys
The way he lies and he lies and he lies.

He lies and he lies and he lies
He just lies and he lies and he lies
And he lies
He can lie anytime
He can lie anyplace
He crosses his fingers
He keeps a straight face
He lies and he lies and he lies

Too many believe him,
They’re bleating like sheep
Accomplices now to
The liar’s deceit
And he lies and he lies and he lies
Lies, lies, lies
He pokes us all in the eye when he lies
I’d like to ask him
To stop all this lying
But he just...he lies and he lies and he lies.